Rant About Humanity (We Are Doomed)
Even the slightest hint of trouble and humans forget how to be civil and start to punch each other in the face over fucking toilet paper. This is why humanity to me will literally NEVER be more than it is now. We will NEVER be free of violence, poverty, exploitation, starvation. We can't even accept that the person next to us might need something as well. Hell I've seen people rolling on the floor because there was only 1 of the toy they both wanted for their child. Basically most people act nice most of the time, but almost no one at all will act civil when they are not getting their way or they think there is some danger to protect themselves from. Hell, in one case a mother left her baby behind when running off a bus with a knife wielding madman on it. Some other person had to save the baby. FFS we are worthless under pressure and can't for the life of us pull together for the sake of our community. Basically, maybe 1 out of 50,000 is actually a decent person and the rest only fake it to get what they want. The worst part is we seem to be getting worse as a species. People are less intelligent now and more self centered. The utopian future of Star Trek will never be. We worship the rich overloads who exploit us for their own personal gain, and look to these greedy bastards for leadership. Humanity is doomed!
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Well said, my friend ❣️😊