What's On For New Years Eve 2024?

New Years Eve will be celebrated with a pizza, wings, and a bottle of Coke. Normally I get drunk that night, but maybe not this time - Not promising I won't however, there is the possibility I will change my mind and order vodka. But in any event, I have not had Coke in over 6 months, and want some rather a lot. The pizza is something I've had many times in the past few years and I really enjoy it. The wings are also very nice, but not as fun as the pizza to me. The dip is for the pizza crusts. I don't do the countdown thing at all, I just set my phone to go off at midnight then think, "Well, I survived another year, I hope to God the next one is better." So far the next one has never been better in the last 5 years or so. There will also be music all night on my headphones of course. I don't do the resolution thing at all and haven't for over 25 years - I find them to be pointless, as most of the time people break them in short order.


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