Facebook Should Be Taken To Task For The Ads On It!

Fecking Facebook! So if I call a person with a swastika tattooed on their fecking face a Nazi, I get booted off Facebook for 30 days or so. Yet a person can give them money for an ad, then literally sell fecking DRUGS on the bloody site. SIGH. This is why you should never in your bloody life click any ad on Facebook ever. They can't be trusted. Even if it's for a shop you know, don't bloody click it, it might be a fake ass page trying to scam you or steel your credit card. Facebook has become nothing more than a big joke it seems. Their AI is punishing people for things they literally did not do, and it keeps popping out the "we are here to help" shit on me and giving me a phone number for a help line. Not one fecking clue what the hell triggered this of course, as I've not posed anything that should have anyone worried in years. AND I live in Canada, a place that has made it a crime to own a handgun, yet, I keep getting ads for handguns. SIGH. To be honest if my friends would move to another site, I'd be so fecking gone from Facebook it would not be funny.


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