A Comment That Just Made Me Wonder About The Person

I normally go out of my way not to make a deal out of comments but I'll do it this time. Please don't go looking for the comment either, leave the person alone please. So when you do a review of a movie, or on a trailer for a movie, you put the year it was released in brackets after the name, so people no it from another movie of the same or similar name. This is standard practice. How someone could be on the internet for over a week and not have noticed this is astonishing to me to say the least. Then again this channel of theirs is less than 2 or 3 months old only, so there is a possibility they are just trying to be funny, or trying to draw out a bad reaction. I don't look down on the person for this in any event, but I just am wondering how the hell you don't know this. They seem to think the (2023) is when I uploaded the video when in reality it was indeed 2024 when I uploaded - No one is trying to fool you dude, it's not a trick. Anyway, here is the comment in all it's glory:


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