Today In 3 Photos and Some Text LOL

It was nice to have a cup of coffee today. Most days I feel cold, and today is a bad one for that. I am freezing today. I got the heat up to 80 F and I am cold A.F. But this is nothing new for me at all. Also nothing new is that I've been having panic attacks all day long. They tend to last about 20 or 30 minutes, but I get them every hour or 2. But coffee is a great pleasure and I'm grateful it does not trigger my Fibromyalgia. I also don't tend to be kept awake by it. It doesn't tend to give me that amped up and awake feeling most people get from it. In fact I can drink a cup, and go to bed 30 minutes later and sleep as well as I ever do. That being said, I've had insomnia since I was 10 years old (48 years of it to date). It's a bother and I can go several days with almost no sleep at all. It really gets my brain fogged out though, not to mention any body or joint pain is increased by lack of sleep.
Lentil and veggie soup was on the menu today. It's what I cooked for myself and what I'll be eating for the rest of the month every day. It's healthy and I love the taste. Although the tomatoes I use will run out by the end of the month, and I'll be down to diced tomatoes, that are in water, not tomato juice like these ones are. It's not nearly as good, but oh well, I'll take what I can get. Even with the lowest price ingredients being used, I tend to spend $150 a month on groceries. On extra money month I spend more for treats and dried beans. I get several months of dried beans then. That's every 3 months when 2 tax rebates come out for the poor. If the conservatives get in federally, I can kiss the carbon tax rebate goodbye, as they might just remove the carbon tax, so their rich business owning friends can make slightly more profit.

Yup, the first snow of the year that stayed. Unfortunately, it's over a layer of ice that came from freezing rain. So it's dangerous A.F. for me out there. I am likely to be very damaged if I fall. The last 3 times I fell, I was hurt rather badly, and the last time it could have killed me if I was not hospitalized to be treated. So excuse me if I hate show. Don't get me wrong, I love how it looks - it's beautiful - but it's dangerous to me health. Not to mention it's cold A.F. right now. But lots of snow is good for the farmers, and that's good for the local economy. So let it snow.

In any event, I hope you have a blessed day and know you are loved.


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