Health Care Rant

Got a new doctor just in time. My old one is leaving Saskatchewan. This is the 3rd time in a row a doctor I had moved out of province after the 1 year time frame needed to keep the money given them to move here by the Saskatchewan Government. Got to wonder how many of them only came here to get practical experience, and bank the government money, then move to a bigger city to earn more money. I find this reprehensible, but it seems to be happening - it happens just far to many times to think there is another explanation. All new doctors, fresh out of school, and all stay just long enough to be able to keep the money. I seriously hope this new doctor stays here. It is hard A.F. to find a doctor here as we are very short on them in Saskatchewan. Moose Jaw in particular seem to be always short of doctors and a heck of a lot of people never find one, and end up going to the ER, and clogging it, so the wait times are extremely long when someone actually needs the ER, because most of the people tend to be just seeking treatment for aliments that should be treated by a family doctor. We are also VERY short on nurses, so care is being effected and the ones that are here are burning out from being overworked.
I find it extremely annoying that I will have to book an appointment, set up a ride, and go in to see the doctor, just to get my meds renewed. This is a hell of a bother, and I wish to GOD that when prescribed, it did NOT expire after a span of time, unless requested to do so by the prescribing doctor. In the past 100% of my doctors where fine with us just calling the office to have them refill the scip, but they get 6X the money from the government if we go in, so I guess it's all a cash grab. It's not like they won't be busy enough to make a living being we are seriously short on doctors the last many years.
Well, this is a hell of a bother. So I fall and need to go to the ER, and miss an appointment, because an ER trip takes no less than 12 hours, and they may just slap me with a $50 fee to book another appointment? Well WTF is with that, this can't possibly be legal, and it should be prohibited by law to say the least. I'm poor A.F. and don't have $50 to spend on crap like this at all. Again, just a cash grab by people who are supposed to be out there to help people, but money seems to come first every bloody time with almost everyone these days.



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