Weight Update Turned Into A Health Care Rant

I don't normally post these in my blog, but on Instagram and Facebook. I just had to mention I've been up and down a bit for years now but staying about the same range in average. For some reason when I got hurt badly on January 1, 2024, in a week I was up 47.6 LBS. The treatment put on a LOT of water weight. The edema was never worse. But I'm back down 44 LBS from then, so it's all good.

In 10 years I lost over 100 LBS, then I just seemed to have stopped and started to go up and down a bit in the same range I'm in now for a couple of years. The edema of course, gives me a big jump when it flairs, and when it subsides, I tend to have a big drop. The thing is, it is hanging on a lot longer than it used to, and may be a permanent state in the near future.

Before I'd have it flair up and I'd have it go away in a week. Now it's most of the month before it's gone away. It does not seem to matter how much salt I eat either. I skipped the hot dogs and I still had a big hit. The pizza I got may have done it, but it should not be lasting this long, and I'm on a very high dose of my pill to help with this, and it seems to be doing nothing at all.

My family doctor is leaving, and I will once again NOT have a doctor. This is to say the least a bother with all my health issues, and it seems the government of all the provinces are doing about nothing to help smaller cities keep doctors. So when a new doctor gets a job in a small city, and within a year, they end up going to a larger city to make more money. It's 2 fold for the smaller cities, they don't get as many patients and don't get a bump in pay for being in a small city - so they go for the money and show they don't tend to give a shit about the people they are supposed to be helping, and just want more pay.

In the day doctors spent their entire life in the same city or town for the most part. They tended to be orientated in staying in a community to help. It seems the motivation here now is the big dollars. They don't care anymore about actually helping in my mind, or they would bloody well stay in one place.

This is the 3rd doctor in a row that lasted only about a year, then left for better pay elsewhere. It took me 2 years last time to find a new doctor, and the motivation to constantly be phoning  around and asking if any doctors are taking new people is very low for me. What the actual hell is the point in doing this for years on end? They will just end up taking off again.

There is a hellish shortage of medical staff in general and has been for a long time now in all communities, but in the smaller places like Moose Jaw, it's magnified. Added to the fact that nursing staff tend to not last a lifetime anymore, as the understaffing has them working so bloody hard they burn out and quit, and we have a hell of a dangerous situation.

People like me are literally at risk here. Think about people who need advanced care and then the situation is even more dramatic. I'm absolutely certain that people are dying from this shortage of staff. It's not just an inconvenience anymore. It seems to me to be getting worse as well.

I have to say the government of Saskatchewan at the time of this blog post is doing thing to try and render this situation, but it seems to be not working. Grants to people to train as nurses then work in the province does not seem to be attracting many people and has helped very little. I don't understand what is happening here to say the least. People just no longer want to be in healthcare.

I've also heard horror stories from a number of people who used to work in the health care system in Saskatchewan, about how management was downright abusive at times and when you got close to retirement, they ramped up pressure on you to try and get you to quit. If this was just a couple of people, I'd pass it off, but it's literally 9 different people now.

In any event, I'm sure my death will be 50% a possibility that I die from lack of proper health care.


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