Thanksgiving 2024 - I'm Grateful For

Well this is the day AFTER Thanksgiving, but I got distracted with self pity and a few good films. So here it is, some of the things I'm thankful for.

Friends who keep me strong and save me from myself.

A roof over my head, no everyone has this.

Safe water (even if it tastes terrible).

Enough food to eat.

Entertainment - I have streaming and a nice TV.

Art - I enjoy the heck out of making fractals and other things.

Music - music is something that I literally need in my life, it heals me.

A good (not great, just good) health care system that I don't need to pay a fortune for. Now if a doctor would just FECKING STAY IN THE CITY for more than a year, that would be nice.

Living in a rent controlled building. It's not the nicest place on earth, but I'm very happy here.

Being able to afford ordering in my groceries. I'm unable to safely shop these days, so I need to order in instead.

The system that was put in place in Saskatchewan to help people like me who are disabled. It could be improved, but it's better than most places in Canada.

Being able to enjoy a food treat a couple times a month. This is a great pleasure to me.

Good coffee. The coffee I buy is a bit expensive and it's my big luxury. I know how to make great coffee and the brand I buy is part of that. You have no idea how much I enjoy a good cup of coffee.

To live in a place with a good number of friendly people who are charitable and willing to help others. Not many places left like Moose Jaw.

The fact I can walk a block and be in an amazing park and enjoy the surroundings.

The fact I can walk a block and be at a pot dispensary to ease the pain I am in.

The medication that is keeping me alive. I'd literally be dead if it was not for my pills.

Freedom of religion. The ability to worship on my own terms and not have to conform to a system imposed on me. Or the ability to not believe at all and express that fact.

Easy access to information I need at times.

Friends who can be 180 degrees out of phase with me on an issue and we don't get mad at each other.

A flood of pictures of kitties every day in my social media feeds (yes this improves my life).

There are other things I'm sure, but I'm ending the list here - I can't think of more at this time. Have a great day and count your blessings. I have a life of pain and struggle, but I'm happy for what I have.


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