It's The Season For Soup

Been eating a lot of soup this month. It was extra money month, so I ended up getting more canned tomatoes than I normally do, and ended up making simple soup with them often. It's basically just a large can of stewed tomatoes, and 4 cups of frozen mixed veggies. No spice or herbs, just the basics. Generally I get 2 meals out of a pot of soup and they are a good sized feed. I enjoy it and it's a reminder of the old days when Mom would make the same thing when I was a child. It was the only thing she did not screw up cooking. When I was a kid, it was often Tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich at lunch time, while I watched the Flintstones. I've tried it in my adult years, but it just did not go down as well for some reason. Anyways, have a good one and keep smiling.


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