I Really Think You Do Care LOL

Random person on Instagram. I think it is interesting they come off as not caring what people think of their posts, then they set the posts to private. LOL. Got to love that, it's like all the "but you don't matter" videos on YouTube - they go on for 38 minutes about some person that trolled them or did them wrong, then keep saying, "but you don't matter to me." Well, it's obvious in both these cases, that they DO care what people think. I'm also reminded of a time someone sent me a message on messenger (years ago) that was VERY long telling me just what they think, then blocking me LOL. Now if they do that, it vanishes from your list when they block you, but then you got to see it, but could not reply. That's just like running up to someone in a crowd, slapping them, then running like hell the other way LOL.


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