Tag Videos, Ghost Pets, Thanks For the Help, and Politicians

12 Tag videos (Q&A) uploaded to my tag channel yesterday. Nothing like answering 120 questions in one sitting. I do enjoy Q&A videos rather a lot. So when I found this batch I was happy.
I'm convinced that loved ones, including pets that passed on come to visit us when we need them. This was one of those moments. I don't seem to be alone with this belief, several people I know have seen a dead pet out of the corner of their eye when they needed them to show up. I know Mom shows up now and then, I smell her perfume and it chills me out and puts me in a better mood - this happened a couple hours ago for me. It's rare for Dad to show up, but the 2 pets I was very close to show up a lot.
Just had to comment on the email signature. I honestly see why it's being used, but dang, did not one person look at that and think about it for a bit? I'm also very glad for the help on this matter as it's been a REALLY long time of me trying to get anyone to get back to me. I literally STILL don't have a worker. Here is the deal, I lost mine, then they gave me a new one and I literally was not told this, then that one stopped working for them as well, and I'm back to not having a new worker. I know a fellow that is in the know about government stuff in Saskatchewan and he tells me a pile of them quit in the last 6 months. I honestly would not want the job, you deal with all manner of bullshit from the government and from people who are in a bad mood and take it out on you. But I got my information and my request is put in, with luck I'll have a positive result before the weekend, so I can order stuff I need (more white shirts!)
I'm not talking about all of them here, but I've lived 57years so far, and used to work for an underground newspaper. We saw a few really shady things happen on the local level in the 1990's. I've also seen just way too many people in the federal level handing in expense accounts that include $8,000 dinners and taking their entire family on a business trip on the tax payer dime. If you are my age and Canadian you will remember the one Governor General spending a truck load of tax payer cash in her day. I've met a lot of good politicians over the years and seen a lot of good being done on the provincial and federal levels in the last decade, but I've also seen blatant abuse of the system and people lining their pockets.

In any event, Peace and Love be with you.


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