A Good Day For a Change (AKA Coffee Outing)

The usual Thursday event yesterday, we went out on the north service road for coffee. It's a truck stop, but it's a big sized restaurant. I don't go out there any other day or time, so I don't have any idea if it has a time when there are a lot of people in it. But when we go, there is almost no one else in there. I have to say $3.85 for a Pop (Pepsi) is nuts, but coffee is the same price, and their coffee makes me ill - everyone else is fine with it, just not me. However the pop only gets one refill, not unlimited like the coffee does. I'll talk about the strange bill below. In any event, there was a new face at coffee when I got there. I'd met the fellow before, and he is nice to talk to. The one guy who has been going for years has not been there the last 2 times, and I'm totally OK with this. He was super aggressive, and very rude the last time he was there. We let him know this is NOT acceptable behavior at all. I think he needs a medication review if you ask me. There is just something not right at all, and he's acing up. In any event, part way in, a friend of 2 of the people out for coffee came in. They had not seen her in a while, so they visited and the lady took pictures of herself with my two friends (they are a brother and sister). In general it was a nice time, but I was there longer than normal and my knees where acting up kind of a lot in the end.

So onto the bill. You may notice there is a 2 cent discount. Well the Government is to blame for this. Here in Canada we don't use the penny anymore. So if it's less than $0.05 at the end, it's rounded down. If it's more than $0.05 and less than $0.10 then it's rounded up. So you pay ending in a number divisible by 5 cents. The thing is, if you pay with debit or credit, like I always do, you don't get the 2 cents off, they charge you the full price instead. In this case it's $3.87. The other thing I'd like to mention is that on this bill, the price of the pop is shown 5 times able the line where you get the calculations and there is a subtotal and a total on the top part then a subtotal and a total on the calculation part. I have to admit, I've not been many places in the last 5 years or so, but I've not seen a bill like this before. Normally, it's the item list then a calculation. I think the strangeness comes from only one item being on the list, but I'm not sure. To be honest, I've not looked at friends bills when they got more than just coffee. But even at this, other places I've been for coffee (downtown) never had a bill look like this at all when I just got coffee there. God I wish I could win that lotto and be able to pay for my friends or to help them out with money to live the rest of their lives comfortably. They deserve more if you ask me. They have all done so much for others in the past, and have had little to no reward for it, other than the good feeling of doing the things in the first place. But I got to say, I like it out there for coffee, it's quiet and we are often the only ones in the back section.

Then after coffee, a much needed rest in my bed with Pusheen the cat. I love this stuffed toy, and I don't give a darn if people think I'm too old for it. Get this people, a heck of a lot of people my age have a favorite stuffed toy. It took about 45 minutes of listening to a podcast to get my knees back to feeling normal, then it was off to watch some YouTube videos and back up a bunch of stuff to the portable hard drives. In any event, it was a nice day, but I'm back to being depressed A.F. - I think I need to get the doctor to consult with a shink or refer me to one for a med review. I mean, it's been like 20 years or so since I went on these psych meds, and I don't know how well they work anymore. But whatever, I'll look into that later in life, there are a few things I want to do around the apartment first. Then I can spend some time dealing with that. In the meantime I'll be holding my stuffy and trying my best. Peace and Love to you all.


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