Not Safe To Go Outside Today

There is a heat advisory, telling us it is dangerous to be outside today. It's going to go up to 34c today, and that is rather hot. Not as hot as other places have been, but it's dangerous hot out there. As well, there is an air quality advisory, as there is a lot of smoke in the air, and it can cause a lot of health issues. The ER has been slammed the last 3 days because of the smoke. Mostly elderly people. It's not a good day to go out there, but I wanted to go to the park so bad today - but it's not reasonable to do so, so I'm staying inside. I have a lot of health issues, and I don't need to end up in the ER waiting for many hours to be seen. So here I sit and watch movies and play puzzles I guess. Keep safe if you are in the same situation.


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