A Month of Blogs Day 28 (Loving Someone {Can Be a Pet})


The AI generated image is actually close to my last pat in appearance. He was a small black dog with curly hair. Such a good dog too.

I was never closer to a pet than I was to him. He was like my child to me. He was indeed family.

I made food for him, I did not buy it from the store in a bag or a can. It was a recipe the vet gave me, and he loved it. I made it fresh every day, because he deserved that.

When I was sad, he would come over and get up on my lap and cuddle with me. He knew how to make it better and always did.

There was the thing with walking though LOL. He would not want to turn back half way, he would want to keep going, so we did. Then he would run out of energy and lay down. I'd have to carry him back home.

He was the best little dog you could ask for and loved everyone. Sadly he ended up with cancer and it was so hard to see him off. At the vet I held him until he was gone. I'll never forget him, he was my boy. He was part of me, we completed each other. Sometimes I can still hear him walking in the hall late at night. As long as I live his memory will be with me.

I'll never afford to have a dog again, so I'll never have another friend like him. I've had a lot of pets over the years, but he was just the best and the closest to me. Our bond was deep.


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