A Month of Blogs Day 25 (Something Inspiring to You)


Nature in a word. To see the trees blowing in the wind, or a bird floating on the air, that is inspirational to say the least.

A great example was when I was doing direct sails in the countryside. I was just coming back from a farm where I'd sold some product (window cleaning kit). It was just as the sun was going down. This time instead of a red sky, it was blazing a golden color. The ripe wheat was blowing in the wind, and all I could see to the left of me was this mass of moving golden beauty. I had to stop the car and get out and just stand there for 15 minutes watching it slowly fade as the sun went down. I wrote one of my best poems that night. Sadly I lost the lot of them, as I mistakenly tossed the book I had penned it in out.

Just sitting in the park and seeing the natural world around be - the trees, the flowers, the squirrels - makes me want to live forever, so I can see more of this wonder.

I think most people miss what is right in front of them. They will literally walk past the most beautiful flowers and not even know they where there. They are too focused on their day, their work, their money, their bills, to see the awesome wonder that is nature.

In front of my building we have a squirrel that runs around on the lawn. It doesn't care that we are right beside it, it just runs around and plays in the grass for a while. It's obviously having fun. Yes it spends a lot of time gathering food and so on, but it also finds time to just be happy. This is a lesson we all need to learn - that we need time to just be happy and play.

Two things can happen when you get old. First you can stop seeing the beauty around you and dwell on yourself. Second, you can lose the sense of self and see the wonder in front of you. I know several older people who are lucky enough to have retired in a place where they can just be in nature and enjoy it. One of them is a great song righter, and and draws inspiration from the sea, and the land. They have an amazing talent, and I'm certain, their proximity to the natural world in abundance makes them better at what they do.

Sometimes I need to force myself outside to see the trees and flowers - or the snow - depends on the time of year. This grounds me and drains away some of the anxiety I feel over all that life has handed me. My problems for a time stop existing and I want to create after. Most of what I do in the time after no one ever sees, as I don't think it's good enough - but it flows out of me and it enhances my wellbeing in the simple act of creation.


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