A Month of Blogs Day 21 (LOVE) With A Side Talk / Warning


Definition: Love is a set of emotions and behaviors characterized by intimacy, passion, and commitment. It involves care, closeness, protectiveness, attraction, affection, and trust.

Well, I think it's more dynamic than that. The attraction can be in a non sexual manner. I do think you need to trust people to love them. It is interesting that there are people who keep telling themselves they are in love when there is no trust, but what is really happening is they are just in need of the person in some manner.

What is Love to me? It's a force that moves my life and keeps me going. I'd be long gone from this world if I did not have love for people in my life - as well as a general feeling of love toward the natural world and people in general.

A lot of people thing simple affection is the same as love, but it is only a part of love, and there can be affection and not actual love.

Other uses: People in out language use Love for many feelings or even desires. We call it making Love when we are having sex with a person why we are not actually in Love with, so lust is referred to as Love.

We say we Love cheese cake, when in reality, we enjoy it a lot and maybe even associate it with a pleasant memory. We don't really Love the cheesecake, but we are very fond of it.

Love is often used to describe a holly being (a God or Goddess). You will notice I am using the word Love in this manner as you tend to capitalize it like a proper name. I'm doing it for a reason, but I'm keeping it a secret.

Love of a pet - this can be actual Love. All the requirements can be there for both you and your pet. We are not the only creatures who are capable of Love in my mind, and in the minds of millions of people.

Personal experience: I have a deep love for some of my friends, as we are close as family - to me they are family, and I truly feel Love for them.

I have felt Love for pets many times. The hamster, I did not love - but my Cats, my Dogs, I Loved them in a very real sense, and they Loved me back. I know some reading may not find a pet capable, but there is just so much evidence to me and to many others that they Love us, it's not possible to ignore.

God / Goddess: Many believe that a God or Goddess is the embodiment of Love and is literally a living form of Love. They not only have Love for their worshipers, but they are literally the source of Love to some people. In some systems of belief, the God or Goddess in particular is the source of Love and others are the source of things like us going to war, being greedy, gluttony, lust, and literally everything we feel, and do, or experience.

Extra: There are people who are not capable of Love and I find it interesting that in the history of humanity, people like this - people who are out to cause a vast amount of harm, and grab ultimate power over as many people as possible are deeply Loved by those who blindly follow them, and are capable of doing horrific and truly evil acts of cruelty and destruction. There are in our times, several people in the world like this who are in power or seeking power. It is not a large step for them to lead people into horrible actions, war, gynecide, or even the actual end of the world (not very likely, but possible). Most societies have precautions to prevent this, but if enough of the government is controlled, this can be overridden and bad things happen. Bit I digress, and have merged two blogs into one.

Enjoy your life when you can, and I hope you know Love. Someone does Love you, and you are valid just as you are. Hang onto life and fight for what is right in this world. Peace to you.


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