A Month of Blogs Day 20 (Your Celebrity Crush Past or Present)

Well both of these go back a long way. I am pansexual, so I'm going to include a male and female crush from back in the early days of my life.

Burt Reynolds. Believe it or not, he was considered very sexy in the 70's and 80's. It's 1983 (I'm 16) and I see the movie (in the cinema) Stroker Ace. I was like, "dang hers sexy A.F." The infatuation lasted not all that long however, as his style started to annoy the hell out of me after a while, and all the talk about how vane he was turned me the hell off.

Lynda Carter. It's around the same time as for Burt, and I'm watching re-runs of Wonder Woman on T.V. I just think she is the most sexy woman I've ever seen, and to this day, the image of her in that outfit makes me warm and fuzzy. I had the desire to be tied up in her golden rope. Again, this did not really last that long.

To say the least, I'm rather sure I never crushed on any celebrity again in my life. I just started to see them as fake for the most part, and although there was attraction many times (I'm looking at you Joan Jett), I was never infatuated with anyone famous ever again.

As for being turned on full blast, I think the first was Sigourney Weaver in Aliens (1979) and I was only 12 at the time - but I was never crushing on her, I just had fantasies. On a side note, when we where watching the movie in the cinema, when the alien came out of the guys chest, my friend literally freaked out, and ran out the door and all the way home (it was 3 miles to his home).

As for now, I am really not turned on by anyone famous at all I don't think. I tend to like people of size in any gender configuration, and mostly people over the age of 40 - although there are a few younger guys I've been attracted to that I follow on Instagram. Not often, but there have also been a couple of younger normal sized guys that I thought would be fun to "hang out with".

Anyway, so, my only 2 real celebrity crushes where Burt Reynolds and Lynda Carter.


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