Bot's & Questions
Then there is the person on Quora that insists on asking me the same stupid question in 1000 slightly different variations LOL. And the barefoot guy requesting me to answer every barefoot question he sees LOL. I love answering questions if I can. Most of them I am requested on, I pass, as I have no idea what they are actually saying, or the question can't be actually answered, or I just don't have an answer. When someone asks why people don't like them, how can I answer? I don't know them at all, and from one line of text, I can't get to know them enough to know.
Speaking of questions, next Monday I start doing a Q&A a day all month long. I've got at least 1 person doing it on YouTube and a few that will be doing them on their blogs. I would like it to spread farther, the same as the new prompts I came up with for the 2 VEDA months. I just could not come up with anything for Vlogmas prompts so I used the old ones. In any event, I have leftover questions from the bank of questions I got the January ones from. I'll be keeping them for other times when I just want to do a tag video. BTW if you search tag questions, you will probably not be happy with the results.
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