25 Things About Me

1. I've been a nudist my entire life but only from age 19 to 44 did I go to nudist venues. 2. I have a very high IQ but it's never helped me any in life. 3. When I was in grade 7 I won an award for reading 100 books in the school year. 4. I got hit by a bus when I was 6 years old, but it only twisted my ankle. 5. I was hit by a truck (clipped) when riding my bike to the mall when I was 13. 6. I hit my head and got knocked out trying to put dirty clothing in the hamper. 7. I have not had a drivers license in over 13 years. 8. I drove a car 150mph once. 9. My father died in the car beside me while I was driving him home from the hospital. 10. I was with my mother when she died as well. 11. My brother died of a drug overdose. 12. I got spanked with a belt by my friends sister and it was consensual (I was 18). 13. From age 14 to 32 I got a birthday spanking from my friends. 14. I've only seen the pacific ocean. 15. I've been to 6 provinces here in Canada. 16. When I was 17 ...