Makeup Premium by Modiface (App)
People do seem to find it amusing when I post these, but I'm expressing a part of me that rarely comes out. I'm what is known as Fluid Gender and swing from Male to Female and some place in-between from time to time.
I don't have the money to express myself in real life, so this will have to do. I can imagine with the old very conservative Christians that live in my building what the reaction would be if I walked out like this in real life.
If I had the money and my own place you can bet I'd be walking out the door like this. But I need to get along with the people in my building no matter how small-minded they may be. So here I am, using an app on my Android phone.
I rated the app 5 stars in the play store BTW. There was a time no-one was updating it, but it seems to be updated now once again.
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