My Stuffed Toy Collection

My first Pusheen plush ever. This is my favorite thing that I own. It brings me a great deal of joy. I pretend to feed and water her and I hold her and walk around the apartment with her at times. When I'm in pain, she helps just by me holding her, the same with anxiety attacks. I even talk to her. This was Moms and she had it sitting in her bedroom on her dresser. It was just for decoration and a sort of fill in for not having a real dog. She has always had a dog you see until the last one we owned died. When we moved into sperate apartments she got this for comfort. This is Jasmine the Cow. There was a joke on YouTube in the early days with a fellow YouTuber and several of us got named the "Cow and Bull Club". I miss those wilder days. Now people have grown away from the fun we used to have - the crazy fun. I guess we all just aged and lost the energy it takes for the silly things. Cookie Pusheen was interesting to get. I first ended up with a Chinese bootleg version of...