7 Random Dave Facts

I had a porn blog for over a year, even though I find porn boring as hell. Well it was more of a naked me blog. I closed it because the site started to have a lot of underage content coming up so I got the hell away from it and never went back. I actively dislike having clothing on. There is a time frame from 8am to 5 pm where I have clothing on in case someone shows up at my door. The rest of the time I'm nude in my apartment. I've been to several nude camps and many nude events in the past, but not for at least 20 years. I will most of the time put a shirt on when doing a video just because. My greatest desire is to own a cat. I love cats, and even though I'm mildly allergic to them, I'd give up a lot of my pleasures to be able to have a cat. However I'll most likely never live in a place that allows cats again. I deeply fear ending up in a care home. After visiting my Mom for many months in a care home almost every day, I can tell you I'd much rather be dead ...