About You
1. Name?
2. Nickname(s)?
3. Birthday?
4. What makes you?
5. Where were you born?
6. Location right now?
7. Shoe size?
8. How many piercings?
9. Tattoos?
10. When you wake up, you are?
11. When you are about to sleep, you are?
12. Zodiac sign?
13. Chinese sign?
14. Righty or Lefty?
15. Innie or Outie?
16. School?

17. Nationality?
18. Hair colour?
20. Weight?
21. Height?
22. Braces?
23. Glasses?

Private Life
24. Do you have a boy/girlfriend?
25. If so, who?
26. If not, do you have a crush on someone?
27. Who has a crush on you?
28. Ever cheated on your bf/gf?
29. Who was your first kiss?
30. Who was your last kiss?
31. Are you a virgin?
32. Ever had a threesome before?
33. Every been swarmed by ladybugs?
34. Have you ever been in love?
35. Broken any hearts?
36. Got your heart broken?
37. Ever liked a friend?
38. What happened?

Past Relationships
39. How many relationships have you been in?
40. How many were serious enough to count?
41. Who were those serious ones?
42. Who used to be your best friend?
43. What made them different?
44. What happened?
45. Best boy/girlfriend?
46. Worst boy/girlfriend?
47. Ever been kissed?
48. Who do you want back?
49. Who do you regret?
50. Why do you regret them?

51. Song?
52. Movie?
53. Food?
54. Drink?
55. Store?
56. Television show?
57. Holiday?
58. Book?
59. Ice cream?
60. Sweets?
61. Crisps?
62. Type of music?
63. Artist?
64. Word?
65. Time of day?
66. Dressing?
67. Alcoholic drink?
68. Colour(s)?
69. Piece of clothing?
70. Character?
71. Smell?
72. Shampoo?
73. Soap?
74. Smiley?
75. Board game?
76. Sport?
77. Number?
78. Quote?
79. Animal?
80. Actor?
82. Vegetable?
83. Fruit?
84. Place to be?
85. Thing in your room?
86. Gum?
87. Shape?
88. Country?
89. Mall?
90. Car?
91. Boy's name?
92. Girl's name?
93. Family member?
94. Restaurant?
95. Movie place?
96. Person to go to the movies with?
97. Noise?
98. Brand of shoe?
99. Brand of clothing?
100. Body part of a chicken?
101. Swear word?
102. Month?
103. Possession?
104. Team?
105. Season?
106. Radio station?
107. Magazine?
108. Favourite grade?
109. Least favourite grade?
110. Teacher?
111. Least favourite teacher?
112. Subject?
113. Subject to talk about?

114. Mom or Dad?
115. Parents jobs?
116. Any stepparents?
117. Any brothers?
118. Any Sisters?
120. Coolest?
121. Loudest?
122. Best relative?
123. Worse relative?
124. Do you get along with your parents?
125. With your siblings?
126. Does anyone understand you?
127. Do you have any pets?
128. If so, what kind and name?
129. If not, what do you want as a pet?

131. Are you still in school?
132. Did you drop out?
133. Your current GPA?
134. Do you buy or bring lunch?
135. ABC's?
136. Favorite class?
137. Play any sports at school?
138. Are you popular?
139. Favourite memory?
140. Most humiliating moment?
141. Funniest moment?
142. Most scared moment?

What do you think of when you hear
145. Chicken?
146. Dog?
147. Christina Aguilera?
148. Ricky Martin?
149. 50 cent?
150. Poop?
151. Beach?
152. Desert?
153. Water?
154. Osama?
155. Love?
156. Your little brother?
157. Butt?
158. Clowns?
159. Wonder?
16o. Brown?
161. Banana?
162. Sex?
163. Parents?
164. Homosexuals?
165. God?

Do you believe in
166. God?
167. Heaven?
168. Devil?
169. Hell?
170. Boogie man?
171. Closet Monsters?
172. Fortune telling?
173. Magic?
174. Love at first sight?
175. Ghosts?
176. Voodoo dolls?
177. Reincarnation?
178. Yourself?

Do you
179. Smoke?
180. Do drugs?
181. Drink alcohol?
182. Cuss?
183. Sing in the shower?
184. Like school?
185. Want to get married?
186. Type with all your fingers?
187. Think you are attractive?
188. Drink and drive?
189. Snore?
190. Sleepwalk?
191. Like watching sunrises and sunsets?

Have you ever
192. Flashed someone?
193. Gotten so drunk until you threw up everywhere?
194. Told that person how you felt?
195. Been arrested?
196. Gone to jail or juvie?
197. Skateboarded?
198. Skinny dipped?
199. Rock climbed?
200. Killed someone?
201. Watched porn?
202. Gone on a road trip?
203. Went out of the country?
204. Talked back to an adult?
205. Broken a law?
206. Got pulled over?
208. Cried to get out of trouble?
209. Let a friend cry on your shoulder?
210. Kissed a brother's or sister's friend?
211. Kissed a friend's brother or sister?
212. Dropped something on the floor and let someone eat it anyways?
213. Moon someone?
214. Shop-lifted?
215. Worked at McDonald's?
216. Eaten a dog?
217. Give money to a homeless person?
218. Glued your hand to yourself?
219. Kissed someone of the same sex?
220. Had a one-night stand?
221. Smoked?
222. Done drugs?
223. Lose a friend because of your ex?
224. Slap someone for being stupid?
225. Had cybersex?
226. Wish you were the opposite sex?
227. Caught someone doing something?
228. Played a game that removes clothing?
229. Cried during a movie?
230. Cried over someone?
231. Wanted to hook up with a friend?
232. Hooked up with someone you barely met?
233. Ran away from home?
234. Cheated on a test?

Would you
235. Bungee jump?
236. Sky dive?
237. Swim with dolphins?
238. Steal a friend's lover?
239. Try to be the opposite sex?
240. Lie to the police?
241. Run from the police?
242. Lie to your parents?
243. Backstab a friend for your own wellbeing?
244. Be an exotic dancer?
245. Kill the president?

Are you
246. Shy?
247. Loud?
248. Nice?
249? Outgoing?
250? Quiet?
251. Mean?
252. Emotional?
253. Sensitive?
254. LGBTQIA+?
255. Strong?
256. Weak?
257. Caring?
258. Dangerous?
259. Crazy?
260. Spontaneous?
261. Funny?
262. Sweet?
263. Sharing?
264. Responsible?
265. Trustworthy?
266. Open-minded?
267. Creative?
268. Cute?
269. Slick?
270. Smart?
271. Dumb?
272. Evil?
273. Ghetto?
274. Classy?
275. Photogenic?
276. Dependable?
277. Greedy?
278. Ugly?
279. Messy?
280. Neat?
281. Perverted?
282. Silly?
283. A Bitch?
284. A Good Listener?
285. A Fighter?
286. A Party Animal?
287. A Game Freak?
288. A Computer Freak?

289. Dream job?
290. Dream house?
291. Husband/Wife?
292. Kids?
293. Kids names?
294. Pets?
295. Car?
296. Age you would want to get married?
297. Best Man/Bride's Maid?
298. Honeymoon?

Your friends
299. Best friend?
300. Known the longest?
301. Craziest?
302. Loudest?
303. Shyest?
304. Best hair?
305. Best eyes?
306. Best body?
307. Most Athletic?
308. Hot-Tempered?
309. Most impatient?
310. Shortest?
311. Tallest?
312. Skinniest?
313. Best singer?
314. Funniest?
315. Can always make you laugh?
316. Wish you talked to more?
317. Wish you saw more?
318. Who drives you insane after a while?
319. Who you can stay around forever and never get sick of?
320. Ever lose a friend because you took it to the 'next level'?
321. Whose always been there when you need them?
322. Who is like your family?
323. How many friends do you have?
324. How many are close?

The last
325. Thing you ate?
326. Thing you drank?
327. Thing you wore?
328. Thing you did?
329. Place you went?
330. Thing you got pierced or tattooed?
331. Person you saw?
332. Person you hugged?
333. Person you kissed?
334. Person you beat to a juicy pulp?
335. Person you talked to online?
336. Person you talked to on the phone?
337. Song you heard?
338. Show you saw?
339. Time you fought with your parents?
340. Time you fought with a friend?
341. Words you said?

343. What are you eating?
344. What are you drinking?
345. What are you thinking?
346. What are you wearing?
347. What are you doing?
349. Hair?
350. Mood?
351. Listening to?
352. Talking to anyone?
353. Watching anything?

Yes or No
354. Are you a vegetarian?
355. Are you a carnivore?
356. Are you heterosexual?
357. Do you like penguins?
358. Do you write poetry?
359. Do you see stupid people?
360. You + Me?
361. Do you like the Osbourne’s?
362. Can you see flying pigs?
363. Do you sleep with stuffed animals on your bed?
364. Are you from Afghanistan?
365. Is Christina Aguilera ugly?
366. Are you a zombie?
367. Am I annoying you?
368. Do you bite your nails?
369. Can you cross your eyes?
370. Do you make your bed in the morning?
371. Have you touched someone's private part?

This or That
372. Winter or Summer?
373. Spring or Autumn?
374. Shakira or Britney?
375. MTV or VH1?
376. Black or White?
377. Yellow or Pink?
378. Football or Basketball?
379. Mobile Phone or Pager?
380. Pen or Pencil?
381. Cold or Hot?
382. Tattoos or Piercings?
383. Inside or Outside?
384. Weed or Alcohol?
385. Coke or Pepsi?
386. Tape or Glue?
387. McDonald's or In-n-Out?

388. What do you think about classical music?
389. About boy bands?
390. About suicide?
391. About people who try to force their opinions on you?
392. About teen pregnancy?
393. Where do you think you will be in 10 years?
394. Who do you think you will still be friends with in 5 years?
395. About gay men?

396. Do you have a website?
397. Current weather right now?
398. Current time?
399. Any shout outs?
400. Last thoughts?


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