1. Rodeiguez – Cold Fact
To be honest this was not common in Canada at all but I managed to hear it and I managed to get the record.

2. Iron Maiden – Number of the Beast
Set me on the road to being a metal fan for the rest of my days. I do span the gambit with music, going all over the place with what I like, but classic metal is still my most loved music style.

3. Devo – Are We Not Men?
Well the moment I heard this I was like WTF was that, I need this. I had not heard anything like it being our radio stations where all country and classic rock. I was in the computer lab and a classmate put this on and I was WOW.

4. Kraftwerk – Man Machine
Another thing when I heard it I was instantly in love with it and it once again changed how I saw the world of music.

5. Nigel Mazlyn Jones - Ship to Shore
Same story here, I loved the lyrics and I loved the music.

6. Chris De Burgh – Man on the Line
To say the least from the moment I heard him sing I was hooked. His voice is golden and his lyrics are magic worlds painted for you in song form. I've got literally every CD he's ever released and in the day I had several LP's.

7. Plasmatics – Final Days (Anthems for the Apocalypse)
Mom was kind of pissy when I took the first record of theirs I got home. The cover was almost soft core porn and she wanted me to get rid of it, but Dad said I could have it. This one however came later and I really sank into the punk hole with it.

8. Kiss – Dynasty
Well you can't have lived in the 70's and not heard literally everywhere Kiss being played. It was even on our local radio station and it was owned by a church at the time. This is just my favorite album of theirs and it got me into the glam rock thing.

9. Eagles – One of These Nights.
This was given to me on Christmas and I for some stupid reason did not know who the hell they where. So my cousins and I went down and put it on the stereo and I was in awe at the style. It was country rock and so darn clean and smooth. I just loved it.

10. Dr. Hook – Timeless
It's 1975 and a friend plays me "Freakin' at the Freaker's Ball" and I'm like what the actual hell. I love this. Then I got the LP and every single song on it was amazing to me in a different way. It was the first album I got that had music on it that was kink related. Later in life it had new meaning to me when I revisited it.


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