When you click on the editor to type text, it changes to "Paragraph" instead of "Normal". This causes there to be a double space between lines. If your trying to do a list, this is a serious piss off. So you have to click where it now says "Paragraph" and set it back to "Normal". I've had it a couple times not stay, and had to select all then set it to Normal again. As well it puts in a leading space (indentation of 1 space) you may want to delete as well, or your list won't look quite right at the top. It used to stay where you put it, but now it just up and changes it to Paragraph for literally no reason - even if you first set it to Normal - you click and POOF it changes.
I normally go out of my way not to make a deal out of comments but I'll do it this time. Please don't go looking for the comment either, leave the person alone please. So when you do a review of a movie, or on a trailer for a movie, you put the year it was released in brackets after the name, so people no it from another movie of the same or similar name. This is standard practice. How someone could be on the internet for over a week and not have noticed this is astonishing to me to say the least. Then again this channel of theirs is less than 2 or 3 months old only, so there is a possibility they are just trying to be funny, or trying to draw out a bad reaction. I don't look down on the person for this in any event, but I just am wondering how the hell you don't know this. They seem to think the (2023) is when I uploaded the video when in reality it was indeed 2024 when I uploaded - No one is trying to fool you dude, it's not a trick. Anyway, here is the comment in...
Images created with Deep Dream Generator , and are free to use. Asked for "a child walking into the sunset with the ghost of his grandfather." Got this instead. Asked for "a grandmother holding a baby in an old kitchen while a cat sits on a window that is streaming sunlight." This one actually worked, "a mother and son on a park bench eating an apple."
New Years Eve will be celebrated with a pizza, wings, and a bottle of Coke. Normally I get drunk that night, but maybe not this time - Not promising I won't however, there is the possibility I will change my mind and order vodka. But in any event, I have not had Coke in over 6 months, and want some rather a lot. The pizza is something I've had many times in the past few years and I really enjoy it. The wings are also very nice, but not as fun as the pizza to me. The dip is for the pizza crusts. I don't do the countdown thing at all, I just set my phone to go off at midnight then think, "Well, I survived another year, I hope to God the next one is better." So far the next one has never been better in the last 5 years or so. There will also be music all night on my headphones of course. I don't do the resolution thing at all and haven't for over 25 years - I find them to be pointless, as most of the time people break them in short order.
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