Health Issues AKA My Body Hates Me

So Fibromyalgia flair time. My head hurts like hell, my joints hurt, my muscles ache and my skin is super sensitive to the touch. That last one does not happen for me that often, but here it is. As well my testicles are in pain. That one is common for men who have Fibromyalgia. I think it was triggered by my exposure to the laundry soap I mentioned in my previous blog. It started about 30 minutes after I started washing out the clothing again to get the soup out of them all the way. To top it off I'm having a lot of pain in my bowels right now - this is another thing that happens to me from time to time. Then there is the kidney that had a cyst on it - yup it hurts. It's not a great day to be me. The skin thing is like when you get smacked and there is that sting - like that. It's not the burning sensation that came with the soap. It's bad enough that having clothing on bothers it and it's painful. Unfortunately, I can't stand up all day -...