VEDA 2019 (August)

1. Who are you?
2. Something you overcame.
3. Your bucket-list.
4. Show your home.
5. Describe morning and night routine.
6. Day in the life.
7. Review a book.
8. Five facts about you.
9. Story from your past.
10. A rant.
11. Something you are good at.
12. Reaction to recent local news item.
13. Review a movie.
14. Talk about a trip you took with family.
15. How do you prefer to do the shopping?
16. Family outing gone wrong.
17. An embarrassing moment from the recent past.
18. Talk about the music you used to like as a teen.
19. Talk about your love or an Ex (be nice).
20. How did you meet your (up to 4) best friends?
21. Talk about the music you like now.
22. A game you like to or used to like to play.
23. What you hate about summer ending.
24. Review a product you often use.
25. Your summer playlist (10 songs you listened to a lot this summer).
26. Talk about someone you admire.
27. Sunrise or sunset and why.
28. An embarrassing moment from your childhood.
29. Talk about a restaurant or business you like locally.
30. Your top 10 movies or books of all time.
31. Something or someone that changed your life for the better.


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