So this is my food shopping bill for the month. I cashed in to say the least. Most things where on sale and I saved about $40. This is good being I was $98 on my overdraft last month as it was the holiday season and I went over the top nuts having fun.

I also managed to go from 6800 points to 23600 points in this session. There where a LOT of bonus points.

To top it off the bottle of booze I wanted for New Years Eve was on sale and I had $20 in airmiles I could use - so a 40 of Rye was only $16.04 after taxes. Trust me where I live this is a GREAT deal for a 40.

Being I was so on my overdraft I only had about $100 left in the account after bills, rent and food. This was 80$ spent on a bit of fun and a couple more movies I ordered and 3 bottles of hemp oil.

Not to worry, I knew this was going to happen and it was the plan. I also am getting $180.25 on Friday for the GST rebate (sales tax rebate). So ya know it's all good.

Now I need a medical device called a binder. This might end up around $100 if it is not covered - but even with that, I'll have about $80 left for the month for fun money - so it's all good.

If the binder is covered I'm going to order a second charging bank for the phone. This way if I am out of town (unlikely) or there is no power for a long time - I can charge the phone. The new one is the same size as my old one and they will both charge the phone about 5 1/2 times - so I'll be good for several days this way.

The only other thing in my wish list right now is ink for the printer but I won't be needing any until my next GST (3 months from now) - so it's all god.

I have been toying with the idea of faster internet, but I literally don't need the faster download speed. The thing I want is faster upload speed and an increase of 5mb/s is really not worth $10 to me so the hell with that. Now if it was 15 - I'd do it. But 5 is not enough of a change to warrant the money.

The only other money thing I have changed is getting Amazon prime. This is more than covered by the $20 change in my cell phone plan. I went from 5gb to 1gb and got rid of the unlimited long distance plan. I have not gone over 1gb in my life - not even when I moved and had no internet for 3 days and uploaded video every day on my data plan.

Future changes will be dropping cable when my contract expires. May 27, 2019 I stop having to pay for cable and will drop it after that. The disconect fee is out of this world of I'd do it sooner. After that I'll continue to have Netflix and Prime Video - I will also add in Crave TV that has a bunch of HBO content. I'll get a Fire Stick Classic (1080p) to stream with and it will be $90 less a month. I can use that money for other things to say the least.

The only thing I want to get this month I have not bought yet is deodorant - if I see it on sale I'll get 3 of them. I have one I'm using now and 1 extra so I don't need them but it's extra money month - so I stock up. I also have enough toilet paper in for the next 3 months I think - so It's all good.

Anyway that's it for this. Have a good one eh.


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