1. What is your ideal Advent Calendar?
2. How is the weather? Is it typical of this time of year?
3. Do you now, or have you ever, owned Christmas Stockings? Bonus to show them.
4. Show your Christmas decorations.
5. Wish List – what are you hoping to get for Christmas?
6. If you can make your own Christmas wrap. If you can’t describe what you would do if you could.
7. If you craft, show crafts you will give as gifts. If not, what did you make your parents as a kid in school?
8. For women, Christmas nail art. For men, Christmas tie. If you don’t do either, describe an outfit you had to wear as a kid for Christmas.
9. Favorite thing about winter?
10. Talk about a family tradition on Christmas.
11. Make a Christmas card. If you can’t tell about one you made as a child in school.
12. Secret Santa gift guide. Name 3 things you can give at a gift exchange that are less than or equal to $10.
13. What is your favorite Christmas drink? Bonus for hot, cold and alcoholic.
14. Talk about a good and bad Christmas from your past.
15. Christmas sweater time – show yours or tell about one from your past.
16. If you make decorations, show some you made. If not an idea of what you would make if you could.
17. Share a Cookie / Gingerbread recipe.
18. Favorite winter activity. Tell us what you like to do or have done in the past.
19. Stocking stuffer gift guide. Tell us what stuffers you have given and received in the past.
20. What does Christmas mean to you? (Good or bad)
21. Write a letter to Santa and share it.
22. Tell us about a toy you got as a kid that you loved for a long time.
23. Where can you go to have fun in your aria on the holidays? Will you be going to any?
24. Christmas pudding recipe – share one. If you can’t tell us how you like Christmas pudding.
25. It’s Christmas day, what’s for dinner? Give us a look at what you made or will be making.
26. It’s boxing day, tell us about a family incident on a past holiday (or this one) that was funny.
27. Tell us what you do with leftovers.
28. Best Christmas gift you ever got.
29. Did you go to the boxing day sales? If so did you get a gift for next year or just something for yourself?
30. Mental Health Awareness – Talk about being depressed over the holidays or about trying to help a friend or family member get through the holidays (don’t use names).
31. New Year’s Eve – how do you celebrate?


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