Updated my backup of the one folder to the cloud. It's got a bunch of icons, clipart and distress maps and templates for graphics in it. It's already on 2 external drives so won't lose it any time soon.
This is of course in brief, not in detail. In December of 1994 Alison Botha was kidnapped, assorted in a Sexual manner. She was stabbed 50 plus times and her guts were hanging out. Her throat was cut 16 times and almost decapitated. But she managed to crawl on her hands and knees to the road so she would be found. BTW she wrote the names of her attackers and "I Love Mom" in the dirt as she thought she was going to die. That was before she crawled to the road. She LIVED - She is the most bad-ass person ever to be able to survive this (Most of us where just lay there and die, there is no way I could possible do what she did)! She ended up standing and walking to the road at one point. She is literally holding her guts in and holding her head on. She got to the middle of the road before she laid down so she could be seen. The first person to drive up on her, sat there for 15 minutes looking at her, then DROVE AROUND HER and left her there FFS. Tell me humanity is not a pile of g...
It seems a lot less easy to be happy these days. The economy is horrible for the average person who can't invest a pile of money to get a decent return. Food prices have sky-rocketed in the last 2 years. Now with this mess between Canada and the USA, we face even harder times on both sides of the border. Jobs will be lost in this stupid trade war. People are already living in tents and vans when they actually are employed because of the cost of housing being out of reach for many. Food banks are maxed out across the country, and can't keep up with demand all the time. People are going hungry to pay the rent and keep the lights on. The cost of a bloody phone keeps going way the hell up as well. Last time I had a contract for 2 years it was a bit less than $80, now I'm paying $101 for less data (much less). I've seen people walk away from medications at the drug store after seeing how much it's going to be. Personally it was going to be $68 for a medication prescribed...
The Man Who Knew Infinity (2016) Based in the 1910s Srinivasan Ramanujan taught himself not only math, but math on a level only a handful of people are even close to being able to understand. Because of his endless confidence and talent, he gained notice by eminent mathematics professor, G.H. Hardy, who invites him to work on his calculations at Trinity College in Cambridge. He has to leave his wife behind and in the UK he encounters resistance against both his cultural background and his mathematical theories of a very intuitive nature. There is further turbulence from the strict academic regiment practiced by the college, and depressional nature of British culture heading into World War I. His health begins to fail and his family wanting to isolate him from his wife, he joins Hardy in a great struggle that would come to define him as one of the greatest Minds and Scholars to come out of India. Along the way he overcomes barriers to become a great success in the eyes of history. ...
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