So over as compared to the previous years, Moose Jaw seems to have had a sharp increase in violence and drug use. But on a positive note, drinking and driving is down, even if people are using meth now - there is that to hold onto. So tell me, was it surprisingly unexpected that the use of drugs and the amount of violence went up? We at one time referred to ourselves as the friendly city, is that still the case on average? When I was a kid you could leave the door open to your home and not expect someone to walk in, punch you in the face and take your TV. Now I don't desire to go for a walk after dark - I would not think it a safe idea. As well in my youth people would talk to you and hold the door for each other and not get upset if someone else got to a parking spot first. Now when I hold the door for someone, they either say nothing and don't make eye contact, or they bitch me out for being a sexist asshole. As for talking, stand in line at a till and see ho...