Preconceived Notions

A place here in Saskatchewan called Martensville is famous for a notorious reason. That being a "devil worship cult" that never really existed. There where allegations of sexual abuse at a day care there and the police who where interviewing the children unintentionally lead them to say things and fantasy became reality. The children ended up claiming (threw no fault of their own) that a large devil worship cult was in action in the community. The allegations even included such outlandish things as a baby was sacrificed every day. This should have been a clue to the officers investigating that something was wrong and it never clued in. One child claimed that an "axe handle" was put in his penis at one point. This being physically not possible never deterred the investigation of these fictitious monsters... Long story short, the lives of a couple where destroyed and their son convicted of molestation. In the end almost a million bucks was ...