Sunset On The Butt-hurt AKA Blog 100 For The Month

So the other day I blogged about a hate post by a very butt-hurt person who likes to play the victim. Well I of course in all good conscience not stay friends with her. I made the mistake of not blocking her for it. Well she got kind of uptight over it.

I get a PM from her making fun of me being a person of size. Once again proving that every last person I know that claims they are a victim all of the time are really just angry people. The best part here is she then blocked me over it.

I know she will (as done to others) unblock me later and take another snipe at me. So I blocked her back - you can actually do that by going threw the messenger app and selecting block on Facebook as well. Poof if she unblocks she is blocked by you.

The thing is I also know far too many (and way more) real victims. These people almost never actually talk about it and sure as HELL would not be posting it on Facebook for the entire world set on public like these "look at poor me" people do.

Anyway - so this is blog post #100 for the month of August in 2017. I did not set out to post 100 of them but her it is #100. I went crazy on it this month for no real reason other than I felt like doing it. Average of 3.226 per day. Actually I did them in groups some days I would post 8 or 9 then nothing for a few days and it just worked out this way.

Being this is 1:17am on the 31st and I'm going to bed after this, I will have time for #101 or more tomorrow - if I do it will more than likely be a playlist of song links to YouTube. Anyway, thanks for reading these and enjoy the hell out of your day.


  1. "These people almost never actually talk about it and sure as HELL would not be posting it on Facebook for the entire world set on public like these "look at poor me" people do."

    But don't YOU post all over Facebook about all YOUR problems.....

    1. I'm sharing being victimised in any way as is it is not part of my life. Everyone shares the day to day problems. That is Norman.

  2. I tell yah, never a dull moment around here, LOL!

    1. Nope such is the internet and I see princess posted above. Lol.

  3. It is weird, I never took her for being a Bully in the past I wonder WTF is going on in her head.


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