A Flying Pusheen To Ease The Pain

So what does a 50 year old disabled guy do when he is feeling down or in a lot of pain? Well I grab my Pusheen Stuffed toy (my smallest one) and pretend she is flying around the room.

I have also when the pain is really bad, laid in bed and just held her on my chest. This seems to sooth the pain some how. I don't know why, I just know that it helps a lot to do this. She is magic to me.

The small Pusheen stuffy is my favourite thing and if I had to save just one thing in a disaster it would be her. I've had her for I don't know how long. I know it was the first year that she came on the market and this was the first toy they made. The new ones are softer and a bit better made.

I have a much larger one that I will sometimes sit on my lap when I am watching a movie. This is when I feel alone. I don't know why it helps but it does.

I have also gathered all the stuffies on my bed and sat there having a tea party with them. This being both manly and mature after all. And no the disability has nothing to do with my brain LOL.

I have taken more photos of the Pusheens than I have of anything else besides the city I live in. Far more photos of them than of myself. I have even done a couple of tag videos where I pretend she is answering the questions as well. Hell maybe she needs to be in tomorrows vlog.

Anyway I just wanted to express that something silly like pretending a stuffed cat is flying around the apartment can help. It can make you feel less alone and less sad and ease your mind away from the pain. I also want to mention Fibromyalgia sucks. So does CFS. But being that the brain fog has lifted, it's blog posing time LOL.

Anyhow, you all have a great day and keep smiling. Oh and play with a toy. You are never too old. I know a man who is a chemist who plays with Lego to relax. Hugs...

Oh and do you like my 5 foot $4 pride flag in the background? I am Bisexual and rather prefer it to the bi-flag. It looks cooler. Did you know there is a straight pride flag? I have not one clue why it's seen as a bad thing though. Oh well that is a different blog... Or vlog...


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