Of The Spirit of Jesus
Of The Spirit of Jesus
David Sheldon Nicholson
January 07, 2006
I have walked a path in a field,
I have seen the day break over the nights last stand,
I have felt the breeze on my face,
I am moved of the spirit of Jesus,
I have been tempted to the dark of night,
I have lasted the long night,
I have looked into the face of evil,
I am moved of the spirit of Jesus,
The rabbits danced and I knew hope,
The waters cool and clean ran over my feet,
The dirt of my life it washed off,
I am moved of the spirit of Jesus.
David Sheldon Nicholson
January 07, 2006
I have walked a path in a field,
I have seen the day break over the nights last stand,
I have felt the breeze on my face,
I am moved of the spirit of Jesus,
I have been tempted to the dark of night,
I have lasted the long night,
I have looked into the face of evil,
I am moved of the spirit of Jesus,
The rabbits danced and I knew hope,
The waters cool and clean ran over my feet,
The dirt of my life it washed off,
I am moved of the spirit of Jesus.