RBSCH M96X Android 6.0 Review

4K TV BOX (4K at 30fps)
KODI 16.1 Fully Loaded (already has Exodus)
XBMC Quad Core A53 2.0GHz 64bit – Penta Core GPU
2GB ram /8GB storage
Wifi or LAN
2 USB 2.0 ports
Micro-SD slot

Featured apps that come with it are Kodi for searching and streaming music, TV shows or Movies. Netflix, Google Play Store. ShowBox a kind of torrent client for popular movies. Facebook, Twitter, Skype.

I recommend installing Google play music and/or Microsoft Groove. If you get the keyboard with touch pad with it, Word will be a useful tool on it as well. I also installed several games.

I strongly recommend you get the Wireless Keyboard with touchpad with this. Amazon recommended getting them together and I am glad I did. Several apps like Netflix and Google Play Store are very hard to use with the standard remote that comes with the device.

Strong points are it comes with Kodi and you don’t need cable TV after you get Kodi. Just wait two or three days and then the shows you watch will be on the net ready to stream for free. This may or may not be legal in all countries but it is in Canada and the USA at this time. The device is fast and easy to navigate and you can install extra apps (just keep in mind you only have about 4GB of storage that is usable after the preinstalled apps). There is external storage slot that receives a micro-SD card up to 32GB in size. Note that Android apps don’t normally like being on an SD card – most of them will not install to SD. So the card is handy for music or movies and so on. It will also let you plug in a USB jump drive and my 64GB stick was no problem for it. I read that it will see an external drive to 1TB but I have not tried this as mine are all 2TB drives. The GPU seems to keep up to most games even though I don’t play anything too graphics intensive.

Downside is I had to do a factory reset on the device to get it to work properly for one reason or the other. If you set it to turn all the way off you will have to connect to the WiFi manually again in the settings. This is a BIG minus to me. But it works fine in the default mode of just going to sleep when you turn it off. Then you don’t have to worry about the WiFi. Some might think it is frozen on wake up as it takes almost a full minute to be responsive to the remote in any way. I have no idea why this is, but if you turn it on and go get your coffee and a snack before you use it, life is good and you don’t have to worry about this.

Summery, I paid a bit less than $88 CDN for this device shipped so it’s a low cast device. The same manufacturer has one with 16GB of storage and it’s a bit faster to wake up but I am fine with this one. The device is the size of a pack of smokes so it does NOT take up much room at all. It has an HDMI cable, but it is short. I have had many hours of entertainment from it and would recommend the device to anyone. I think there might be heat related issues if you where to watch for more than five or six hours though – I have not done that personally. For the price you can get one for everyone in your family or one for the big TV and one for the bedroom. 4/5 stars.


  1. how do I do a factory reset on this box it it is stuck in a failed boot-up loop?

    1. If it's still new contact the seller. The only way to do a factory reset is from the main menu under settings. So if it won't boot, there is no way to do it. You could try unplugging it from the power for 30 seconds the see if it will boot. The issue with android is that when it is on too long it stops working right so you have to power cycle it about once a month.

  2. Just came across this post. Factory resetting the M96X android box seems to be the Internet's greatest secret. Right now I'm stuck in the start loop and it won't move, can't even get to menu. I've tried holding down the reset (at the bottom) while plugging in etc but nothing. Any ideas?

    1. It seems to be a date flaw. Once it is in the boot loop it won't reset. Read something about using a sub jump drive but that seems silly as you need it to boot all the way to work. Wish I could help you.


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