100 books I have Read - In No Particular Order

01 War of the Worlds (4/5) H. G. Wells
02 2001: A Space Odyssey (5/5) Arthur C. Clarke
03 2010: Odyssey Two (5/5) Arthur C. Clarke
04 2061: Odyssey Three (5/5) Arthur C. Clarke
05 The Sands of Mars (4/5) Arthur C. Clarke
06 Beyond the Fall of Night (4/5) Arthur C. Clarke
07 Dracula (4/5) Bram Stoker
08 The Princess Bride (3/5) William Goldman
09 The Grapes of Wrath (4/5) John Steinbeck
10 To Kill A Mockingbird (5/5) Harper Lee
11 Invisible Man (3/5) Ralph Ellison
12 The Time Machine (3/5) H. G. Wells
13 The Origin of Species (4/5) Charles Darwin
14 Beowulf (4/5) Unknown
15 The Andromeda Strain (4/5) Michael Crichton
16 Children of Dune (4/5) Frank Herbert
17 The Hobbit (4/5) J. R. R. Tolkien
18 Interview With The Vampire (5/5) Anne Rice
19 Fahrenheit 451 (5/5) Ray Bradbury
20 Paradise Lost (4/5) John Milton
21 The Martian Chronicles (2/5) Ray Bradbury
22 Slaughterhouse Five (3/5) Kurt Vonnegut
23 Hunger Games (3/5) Suzanne Collins
24 The Outsiders (4/5) S. E. Hinton
25 The Wind in the Willows (5/5) Kenneth Grahame
26 Death of a Salesman (4/5) Arthur Miller
27 A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (4/5) Douglas Adams, Eoin Colfer
28 Salem’s Lot (3/5) Stephen King
29 Christine (2/5) Stephen King
30 IT (2/5) Stephen King
31 Of Mice and Men (4/5) John Steinbeck
32 Cujo (1/5) Stephen King
33 Ender’s Game (4/5) Orson Scott Card
34 Pet Seminary (4/5) Stephen King
35 Catching Fire (3/5) Suzanne Collins
36 Dune (5/5) Frank Herbert
37 Dune Messiah (5/5) Frank Herbert
38 God Emperor of Dune (4/5) Frank Herbert
39 Heretics of Dune (4/5) Frank Herbert
40 A Clockwork Orange (US version 4/5) (UK version 5/5) Anthony Burgess
41 Through the Looking-Glass (4/5) Lewis Carroll
42 Peanuts (5/5) Charles M. Schulz
43 Lord of the Flies (4/5) William Golding
44 The Calvin and Hobbes Lazy Sunday Book (5/5) Bill Watterson
45 Four past Midnight (2/5) Stephen King
46 Breakfast of Champions (4/5) Kurt Vonnegut
47 Mother Night (4/5) Kurt Vonnegut
48 Bluebeard (4/5) Kurt Vonnegut
49 Manhunting in the Mississippi (3/5) Stephanie Bond
50 The Castle (5/5) Franz Kafka
51 The Raven and Other Poems (5/5) Edgar Allan Poe
52 The Satanic Bible (4/5) Anton LaVey
53 Holy Bible (3/5) Unknown
54 The Glitter Dome (4/5) Joseph Wambaugh
55 The Choirboys (5/5) Joseph Wambaugh
56 The Blue Knight (4/5) Joseph Wambaugh
57 The Onion Field (4/5) Joseph Wambaugh
58 Catcher In The Rye (5/5) J. D. Salinger
59 Cat VS Human: Another Dose of Catnip (5/5) Surovec Yasmine
60 The Politically Correct Bible (5/5) Robert M. Price
61 I Am Pusheen The Cat (5/5) Claire Belton
62 The Seductive Art of Japanese Bondage (5/5) Midori
63 Giovanni’s Room (4/5) James Baldwin
64 The City and the Pillar (4/5) Gore Vidal
65 A Separate Peace (4/5) John Knowles
66 Death in Venice (5/5) Thomas Mann
67 Prayers for Bobby: A Mother’s Coming to Terms with the Suicide of Her Gay Son (3/5) Leroy F. Aarons
68 The Picture of Dorian Gray (4/5) Oscar Wilde
69 Running With Scissors (4/5) Augusten Burroughs
70 Stone Butch Blues (5/5) Leslie Feinberg
71 The Art of Peace (4/5) Morihei Ueshiba
72 Conspiracy of One: The Definitive Book on the Kennedy Assassination (4/5) Jim Moore
73 Posting Hope (2/5) Becket and Todd Barselow
74 Timequake (4/5) Kurt Vonnegut
75 Deadeye Dick (3/5) Kurt Vonnegut
76 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (5/5) Mark Twain
77 The Adventures of Tom Sawer (5/5) Mark Twain
78 To the Person Sitting In Darkness (4/5) Mark Twain
79 The Selfish Giant (4/5) Oscar Wilde
80 The Canterville Ghost (3/5) Oscar Wilde
81 The Trial (4/5) Franz Kafka
82 SM 101: A Realistic Introduction (4/5) Jay Wiseman
83 1984 (5/5) George Orwell
84 Lolita (3/5) Vladimir Nabokov
85 The Great Gatsby (5/5) F. Scott Fitzgerald
86 War and Peace (4/5) Leo Tolstoy
87 To The Lighthouse (3/5) Virginia Woolf
88 On The Road (5/5) Jack Kerouac
89 The Illiad (5/5) Homer - Translated by Robert Fagles
90 The Odyssey (5/5) Homer - Translated by Robert Fagles
91 Catch 22 (4/5) Joseph Heller
92 Pride and Prejudice (4/5) Jane Austen
93 Wuthering Heights (5/5) S. E. Hinton
94 The Call of the Wild (3/5) Melvin Burgess
95 Frankenstein (5/5) Mary Shelley
96 The Canterbury Tales (4/5) Geoffrey Chaucer
97 Alice in Wonderland (4/5) Lewis Carroll
98 Faust (5/5) Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
99 David Copperfield (3/5) Charles Dickens
100 Moby Dick (5/5) Herman Melville


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