My Friend Has No Taste

I told a friend he needs a "french press". His response? "They make terrible coffee". Sigh... NO they make the BEST coffee - you just have to drink it right away. He then goes on to tell me, "I make a pot then put it in the fridge and heat up a cup now and then for the next 2 or 3 days." This is when I realise he literally has NO taste at all. If he thinks 3 day old re-heated coffee is the best thing ever, then he has no taste - I am sorry... This is NOT an acceptable practice to someone who really loves good coffee. He also seems to think that the pod coffee makes make crappy coffee. Again NO TASTE. They are expensive and a pain in the ass, but they make awesome coffee. I then ask me (knowing the answer) "How do you like espresso?" His reply "It's the worst coffee imaginable." Yup NO TASTE. I wanted to make an analogy about 3 day old coffee and licking an ass, but I am kind of sure he is into that kind of shit... So... What can ...