Forgive, Even If They Hate You

We come to expect a level of malice in life. If you don’t learn fast to get past it, your life becomes a living hell. I learned this when I was in grade 6. It was a time when my life was in flux. Not from family or friends but from what was happening in my school. There were several people in my school who knew my Dad was a cop. They were from a family background where cops where the enemy. They treated me like shit until the point where I pushed back. I was a big boy, literally and knew how to handle myself. They found out fast that it was not OK to try and mess with me, as I could and would fight back. To make a long story short, I got in a lot of trouble over it at times but I not only defended myself but my friends. I also learned that words are just words and they cannot hurt you unless you let them. With the acceptation of a couple of years of my life where I became mentally ill and had to be hospitalised, people with their spite and hate and malice did not affect me. This...