So if I don't want to like and or share this passive bully post of yours I am condoning child abuse am I. See this is just how easy it is to manipulate the masses into doing something they would not have done in the first place. This social conditioning we get from the online world and the media is amazing, is it not? The people who have shed the media services in favour for the "real facts online" are often mislead with great ease. You present something as news and they will then take it as fact. If it goes with their disdain for established media sources then all the better. All these freedom fighters out there looking for the real truth behind it all, they fall onto the click traps filled with advertising to generate revenue at their expense and they think they are fighting the cooperate world. The entire time oblivious to the fact that they are being handed yet more outlandish bullshit all in the name of a quick buck. There are many many people out there that have f...