Got to love these save the world documentaries that are done for profit. The guy goes on about how meat is literally killing the planet and that they meat people might kill him over this... Meh. Yes for the amount of people that will be on earth in 50 years we literally can't afford to keep raising meat. You need 1/18th of the land to grow enough plant based protein for people as you do with meat. This includes a lot of factors. But I am not sure about the 51% of our carbon footprint being from meat... I know we need to change and the future of humanity is literally at stake. There will sooner or later be wars over resources and food will be one of them. BUT why are these earth rangers always asking for money to watch their movie or read their book? Have you ever seen a popular environmentalist book free to download? NOPE never will as well. The movies are the same, you will never see them free to download or copy. It won't happen. That being said, I have seen groups that g...