Old Photos Round 2

 Grandma Popowitch.
 Me 2 years old.
 My brother 2 years old.
 My brothers kids.
 Dad bottom left Grade 6 - Victoria School, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
 Mom in Winnipeg - She was learning to be a teacher.

 Me grade 10.

 Dad 4th from left back row. North Battleford Saskatchewan, Canada.

 Me age 2.

 Dad 4th from left back row. North Battleford Saskatchewan, Canada.
 Uncle Wayn and Aunt Ellane Wedding Dad 3rd from left, my brother beside him
 Grandpa Nicholson. Hand tinted photo - May 16th 1916.
 Grandpa Nicholson. Hand tinted photo - May 16th 1916.
 Dad the year he retired.
Dad the year he retired.


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