Live with Love and Forgive...
Oh no thumbs down on my Videos what will I ever do... Been stalked by 2 people since I started with YT, a nut job in town here that comes around once a month or so and leaves a stupid comment and I always know it's him by how he uses words. And the other that watches every single thing I put up reads every blog post and so on... That one thinks he is a street preacher and lives in Main. The best thing is he went after someone on YT for being on the sex offenders registry. Turns out he is also on it and for the same reason. Exposing himself to a child. So Mr. hand of God against all things gay is not so pure as well. I thank Jesus every day that I live a good life with good friends. I have all I need and a bit more. I have enough to help others when they need it. I don't have to get my thrills by being destructive and going against Gods will. There is always something to be thankful for. Even when the time comes I am stuck in a care home in pail 24/7 there will be the sun th...