
Showing posts from April, 2013

Well ok then

Ya know, if you take 20 minutes to type a response to 37 words your doing it wrong.


What the? Drunk texting at 2pm?


OK Foamy is re-showing all the originals in 1080P... So everyone with two brain cells to rub together knows they are the ORIGINALS ... This leads me to the stupid comment of the day, "How do you unsubscribe these are not funny like they used to be"... Oh GOD where do I start? I mean I know your just trying to be an ass-hat and get the attention you crave, but there is the very real possibility this person is too stupid to unsub . Just think about it... Then like anyone who lives with his parents says something about living with your parents to someone who calls him on how stupid the comment was. Then comes this one, "Foamy contradicts himself twice in this early episode. In one episode he says he doesn't drink achoholic drinks but at the end he goes and gets one. Also he cusses all the time so why does he say he's not the one for cussing? Lol" Really? So you just did not get it at all then right? Foamy is a Hypocrite...  This is 40% of the poi...




Those who use the bible to condemn gays must also condemn themselves and family. It is an sin to eat shell fish. One must be put to death for working on the sabbath (Exodus 35:2). Leviticus 11:7 tells us we are unclean for toughing the skin of a pig, thus anyone who plays football (American football) is a sinner. Exodus 21:7 tells us we can sell out daughters into slavery - how much will you ask for her? If your child curses you then you shall put them to death Exodus 21:17. Lets not forget the rule of thumb as well, so when you beat your wife the stick can be no larger around than your thumb. Have a good one all - Dave :)