Wally World Parking And Other Tales...

 Parked in the travel part of the road...
 2 Parked in the fire lane...
And another parked in the fire lane...

All here in little old Moose Jaw. It is amazing how many people also park in the handicapped spots with no placard to do so. Then there is the hordes of 20 and below ages that borrow Grandmas' car and park in the handicapped spots - it's still a ticket for you can Grandma can lose her placard for letting you use it. I get a lot of people almost running me over when I walk over to the co-op here as well... Sigh... They don't tend to look behind them when they pull out, they just pull out. It is a wonder that there is not a crash every other hour or so there. I was actually hit and knocked down once. I had to roll out of the way even though I mad a hell of a sound against the back of the min-van. People where waving and yelling... The old fella did not know any of us where there. What can I say. People think of themselves and nothing else. Parking in a fire lane, the middle of the road, thee feet from the curb and just not caring what is going on around them.


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